domingo, 13 de dezembro de 2015

                                       SUPOSTA MORTE DO CANTOR THOM YORKE 
This blog was a way of showing how conspiracy theories may seem true. Many people believe everything they see on the internet, but is this really right? There are many conspiracy theories about many things, but no matter how often look convincing are just theories, are not real. Thom Yorke has never died, has never been replaced by a look-alike, I just organized this theory and thousands of people thought that was a fact. An important observation is that this theory does not contain "lies", everything in the blog are true arguments you can even search and check, the point is that I organized with true information a theory which is actually just a theory, it is not a real fact. Sorry if you come to think that Thom was really dead and felt disappointed by this revelation, but it is for you to become a more realistic people, and do not believe everything you see! My intention was never to upset anyone. If you look you will realize that always talked about it as an assumption and not a fact, for example when put: "The assumption of the death of singer Thom Yorke" [Suposta morte do cantor Thom Yorke]. In other words, it's just a guess! If you want to believe he's dead is your choice, but I say that everything was just another theory, just as there is a Bob Dylan theory, Paul McCartney, etc.

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